What Are Attorney Recruiting Jobs in Florida Like?
Oftentimes, attorney recruiting jobs in Florida are just what we think of. That is, a recruiter finds a candidate to fill a particular job position. However, that's not the only thing attorney recruiters do. In fact, turn recruiters can also help candidates prepare for interviews, take a look at and streamline resumes, and work with candidates so that they get the jobs they're in the running for.
In addition, attorney recruiting jobs in Florida can take many different forms. One attorney recruiter might work for a company that specializes in recruiting for law firms; this company has as its clients several different law firms it contracts with to find talent for. In other cases, a single law firm might hire its own attorney recruiter, such that that recruiter only hires for that firm and no other. In addition, recruiters can be contractors and work for themselves but not be associated with a company or with a particular law firm.
Other Attorney Recruiting Jobs in Florida
Attorney recruiter jobs in Florida can also mean that the recruiter takes on a managerial role. For example, some recruiters act as liaisons their company or firm and candidates coming in. Recruiting directors, for example, may set up interviews with candidates, help coordinate travel arrangements, and may even review resumes to help start the initial selection process. Attorney recruiting jobs in Florida may also entail doing reference and background checks on potential candidates.
Following anti-discrimination laws is important, too
Another thing that is important for an attorney recruiter to do is to make sure anti-discrimination laws are followed. Recruiters have to make sure that candidates they are considering for hire are not discriminated against for any reason not related to ability to do the job. For example, it's illegal to avoid hiring somebody because of disability, gender or race. This wasn't always true, and even very qualified people were often overlooked for jobs simply because of this type of discrimination. For example, it was once thought that women were not suitable for employment in the long term because they would be distracted by either marriage or having children.
Today, discrimination still happens, but there are laws against it that help protect candidates for employment from being victims of it. Attorney recruiters in Florida must especially be careful that when they are considering recommending someone for a position, they must not be discriminating against that person for any reason, nor can their clients; candidates must purely be considered on the talent and skills they have for the job in question. What that means is that if someone has the qualifications to do a particular job, he or she must be given fair consideration regardless of characteristics like those previously discussed. In many areas of the country, discrimination because of sexual orientation is also being outlawed.
What Are the Educational Requirements for Attorney Recruiting Jobs in Florida?
Those who hold attorney recruiting jobs in Florida must usually have college degrees. A background or degree in recruiting is also highly favorable, but not necessary. Many recruiters have backgrounds in education, psychology or business. Law firm experience is looked upon favorably, but is not usually necessary. If you're looking at attorney recruiting jobs in Florida, you must like working with people, able to put people at ease, and help people with resume and interview skills. Often, your job will also require that you act as liaison between client and candidate, so you have to have good negotiating skills in that case, too.
The Market for Attorney Recruiting Jobs in Florida
The job market is pretty stiff right now because of the economy, and that's true in Florida as well. Because lawyers are increasingly being laid off instead of hired, this affects recruiters' work, too. However, Florida continues to be one of the fastest-growing states in terms of population, especially for a more elderly population. That means that attorneys of all types are required in Florida; in turn, this means that as the economy picks up, so too will attorney recruiting jobs. This is expected to correct itself once the economy turns around.
Attorney recruiting jobs in Florida right now are less available than usual, as is true of the legal industry as a whole. This is because the economy itself is struggling. However, once the economic downturn writes itself, recruiters will be in demand once again, in Florida as well as in the rest of the United States. Before the recent economic downturn, recruiters' job outlook was good through 2014, and this may again be true once the economy repairs itself. If you like working with people, can communicate well and can put people at ease, and if you have good negotiating skills, you might just consider a career change to becoming an attorney recruiter in Florida.