The interview format should be known by the interviewee in advance. The interview format and other details should be known by the job candidate before hand so that he can prepare accordingly. The job interviews are tough and easy both. The job interview questions are basically based on the requirement's of the job. There are different forms of interviews like the oral board interview, video-conferencing interview, oral and written interview, on site interview, on field interview etc. The job interview questions put across by the employer to the job candidate are used to test the job candidate.
There are many expected and unexpected questions in the job interviews. The free job interview questions are available on the Internet. Some of the job interview questions are very common and expected by all the job candidates.
The most expected job interview questions are:
- Why do you want to work?
- Why do you want to join our organization?
- Why do you want to join this field?
- What pay you are expecting?
- What justice you can do to the job?
- What are the qualities required in performing a particular job?